When will the Catholic Church finally modernize
their religion?
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In the article, Pope Benedict XVI refused on 3/18/09 to soften the Vatican's ban on condom use as he arrived in Africa for his first visit to the continent as pope. Pope Benedict has always made it clear he intends to uphold the traditional Catholic teaching on artificial contraception. With the chance of becoming HIV positive in Africa about as good as getting hot in Africa maybe, just maybe the Catholics Big Don is Big Wrong.
Let me break it down like this. Quit being part of the problem and start being part of the solution. It's time to
modernize the Catholic religion. The first step is to take a more relaxed approach when it comes to birth control. Although a condom is not going to single-
handedly solve
Africa's HIV/AIDS problem it is going to help...
immensely. The church has long been opposed to the use of condoms and other forms of birth control because it strongly believes that sex is for procreation and enriching the union of a married couple. This coming from a community that doesn't allow its leaders to either procreate or be married... which brings me to step two in the
modernization process; have some sex, for christ sake.
I'm not talking sex with 10 year old boys either, I'm talking some good
ol' man/woman sex. If the Catholic powers that be would allow their priest to
experience sexual relationships I believe they would see a great increase in the numbers of people wanting to be priest. This new practice would also allow priest to release their repressed sexual energy with people they don't have to manipulate into sex, like 10 year old alter boys. Instead a priest could meet a check in a bar and use awesome lines like; "ever do it in a confessional," or, "i'd like to anoint you with my holy water." This
experience would also give a priest that is helping couples cope with marriage issues a better insight into the whole marriage dynamic.
Change number three; if they are having sex, they may as well be able to get married too. Why not? Again, marriage would increase the number of people willing to be priest. And, again it would give priest a greater knowledge on the dynamics of married life; an
appreciation, if you will, of the trials and tribulations married couples experiance. For example, when a man complains that his wife doesn't put out enough, a priest wouldn't have to say the religeously correct "Marriage is not all about physical love, but the love we feel in our hearts for our wives, our children, and our god," or some other B.S. No. Instead he would turn to the wife and say, "What the f$%k is your problem woman."
There are other changes to; women priest, abortion, interpretations of the bible, Wii Church (Thats my own invention, going to church via your Wii, that's a million dollar idea right there) etc. The point is. The world has changed.
Catholicism needs to change too. And with more than 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa infected with HIV, and with 1.5 million people having died of the disease in 2007, perhaps allowing a few guys to wrap
their root is a good start. Come on Pope-E B, get with it.