Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Smokers Tax Ain't Whack

So smokers are feeling abused over a tax hike in the purchase of cigarettes. See article here - That's to bad smokers, but I can certainly understand your plight.

The biggest argument for a higher tax on cigarettes is that the health care cost of taking care of a smoker vs. a non-smoker is almost 40% higher.

That's a crap load.

What that means is the insurance I pay is significantly higher because my health care money is also used to help care for that guy that thought is was cool to suck smoke into his lungs for 30 years. However, making everyone quit smoking is not going to bring health care cost down. What you say?

According to the New England Journal of Medicine in a population of non-smokers the health care cost would be 7% higher in men and 4% higher for women than in the existing population of mixed smokers and non-smokers. Why... because more people live longer. Crazy huh?

So, why do I support a higher tax for you crazy ass smokers... cause I hate smelling your smoke. And, as the son of a mother who smoked for thirty years and now is fighting cancer, I'd pay 7% more overall to spend a few more years with her.

p.s. Want more affordable health care? 25% of all health care cost are spent on a persons last 3 months of life. In other words 25% of all health care is spent in a losing effort that doesn't result in an improved quality of life. This is a huge problem with the health care system that that needs to be addressed by politicians, doctors, and health care officials. How can an individual help? Learn when to say when.

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