Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Who?

As predicted.


No celebrity has died, and no plane has crashed, but the media is moving on to other things; Jessica Simpsons figure, Wolverines big weekend, and, of course, the economy. As I stated before this was just the hot topic of the moment and that it was no worse than your run of the mill flu. In fact, now they are reporting less people died of Swine Flu than previously thought.

Go figure.

We will miss you Swine Flu and the imminent disaster you once promised us. We look forward to future pandemics, in fact, I hear there is a kid that lived next door to Michael Vick that has come down with a nasty cough... you might want to check it out.

(p.s. 3 hours after posting the above message, Dom Deluise died. Probably not going to get tons of media attention, but still, pretty ironic)

p.s.s. Please note that this posting kicked off the summer of death (Jackson, Fawcett, Kennedy, etc., etc.) now THAT is frickin ironic)

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