Monday, February 8, 2010

The Day After

Today should be a national holiday... so why are we working?

I know your nursing a hangover, indigestion, and a lack of sleep due to the previous two items. You celebrated with 100 million Americans last night and although there was no Declaration of Independence issued, nor savior of man born this day, the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday should be a national holiday!

Name another event that brings Americans together like the Super Bowl that is not a national holiday. An estimated 100 million people watched the game in the U.S. We can barely get that many people to vote in a presidential election, let alone agree on such topics as Health Care, Iraq, Afghanistan, and which hussy the bachelor should pick.

Such occasion to unify as a nation should be recognized. Call it Super Monday, American Sports Day, National Hangover Recovery day... call it Presidents Day and move that weak ass holiday to the day after the Super Bowl... whatever, just give us our day... our day to celebrate our national unity and for me to rid myself of this gawd-awful 7-n-seven induced headache.

For all those interested in making the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday a National Holiday I highly encourage you to visit

They are trying, you can help!

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