Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tom Watson Signs Up For Ass-Kicking

Someone please put Tom Watson's name on the list people who are going to get their asses kicked once Tiger Woods starts swinging clubs again.

In a bold statement, that is comparable to pissing in a rattlesnakes face or stuffing a firecracker up an alligators ass, Tom Watson has come forward and made some critical statements concerning Woods and his lack of ability to keep it in his pants and his golf course etiquette.

Watson has graciously offered this advice... come out and admit that you were wrong and that you want to be a better husband to your wife and also, try to be a better, more professional, golfer while on the course ( I guess Tiger is prone to cussing when he f***s up).

Watson may just have well painted a target on his back.

Seriously, I can't imagine Watson having the balls to say any of this to Tigers face and wouldn't even have thought it prior to all of Tiger's infidelities and current low point in life. Before all that everyone, Watson included, was kissing Tigers ass instead of insulting it. You figure that purse sizes have doubled and tripled since Tiger started playing in these tournaments. TV sponsorship is up 10-fold. Golf is the 4th biggest TV sport behind Football, BBall, and Baseball, and it was 23rd before Tiger (yes, I'm exaggerating). Regardless, they owe Tiger A LOT and this is the kind of sh!t they pull

Watson should know Tiger has a little Michael Jordan in 'em... when ever anyone started talking trash to Jordan he'd light 'em up for like 45 and embarrass them in the process. Tiger's the same way. Wait till Tiger is trading the lead with Watson, or, better yet, wait till they are partnered up one day. Tiger will set a course record guaranteed.

The one thing Watson has going for him though is age. The chances he'll face Tiger one on one or even in a group again are slim. But when it happens... LOOK OUT!

Jesper Parnevik, on the other had, is a guy Tiger will probably face in the future and he too is another guy who raised his hand when they asked for volunteers to get their ass kicked by Tiger in the future.

Elin used to be Jesper's nanny and, supposedly, he set Tiger and Elin up to begin with. Consequently he feels somewhat responsible for the situation and unfortunately, for him, said so... in some not so Tiger friendly words. He'll soon be picking the pieces of his ass up out of the grass at a golf course near you.

Just ask Ben Crane and Charles Gordon about regretful comments... both were supposedly quoted saying some disparaging remarks about Tiger , however these two smackoffs were smart enough to realize the implications. Both have since retracted their statements with Crane saying, "Insult Tiger, nooooo, that'd be like asking to f*** Sonny Corleone's wife in the a$$. It's only going to end bad for you." OK, I made that up, but he probably thought it.

One thing is for sure, and most experts agree; when Tiger does come back he will more than likely do so with a vengeance. Lookout golf world, look the f*** out!

1 comment:

  1. Jesper Parnevik announced today (2/10) that he may retire from golf due to broken vertebrae in his back

    This can only be read two ways:
    1. Tiger already found him and broke some vertebrae in his back


    2. Jesper, expecting an ass whoppin on the golf course, comes up with some lame ass reason Tiger won't kick his ass on the golf course.

    Either way, one down.
