Friday, February 19, 2010

The World Stopped for 13 Minutes

Tiger Woods broke his 3 months of silence today when he came forward and told us absolutely nothing new about his plight. In a well prepared and thought out speech (done by some his PR folks, IMG, that are banking right now) Tiger Woods told us jack squat. Let me sum up 13 minutes in a couple of lines... "I'm sorry, I cheated, I am seeking help, it's not Elin's fault, I'll play golf again... someday."

You know, I always thought of Tiger as a machine... I mean the guy goes out on the golf course and does the same thing over and over and kicks ass. He's like a terminator... he will not stop... ever! But, this was always just a metaphor. Until now. I actually believe that Tiger is a robot. He is a machine. Did you hear his speech? Robotic I tell you... he spoke... like this... "I am very sorry... I have been bad... I am going... to continue... to try... to convince you... I... am... not... a... robot (queue watery eyes)."

You know what else I loathed about this contrived speech other than the tone, that he apologized to his sponsors before he apologized to his dads memory and the kids that idolize him. That right there tells you what is more important to Tiger. "I am sorry I am losing millions, oh, and that I f***ed everything in sight."

The guy is a complete control freak. Everything seemed to come off just a little to planned. From only allowing his people in the room, to reading off his prepared speech verbatim, to not allowing anyone to ask questions. I can hear his PR guys telling the producer now... "hey man, we can't program the robot to answer the questions that fast, so you're gonna have to nix the Q&A, man."

I just don't get it. Why not explain what happened and be done with it. Tiger left so much out there for speculation. He has never explained what happened on Thanksgiving. Never addressed the women who are making claims, never explained his disappearing act, never talked about his "rehab." He has never addressed any rumor, true or contrived. So, what does he expect?

His privacy?

You gave that up when you started making millions on your game and on your image. Sorry. That's what you give up, to a certain degree, when you accept your role as a celebrity. Ask any of them. They may not like it but that is what you give up for all the perks that celebrity brings you... and there are plenty!!! Endorsements, money, upgrades on everything from airline seats, to cars, to free meals and drinks, and apparently all the tits and ass you can handle.

So, if you want to end the suffering, the reporters waiting outside your gates, the helicopters buzzing overhead, the constant and non-stop hounding... then you gotta rip that band aid off.

See, I'm a rip the band aid off kinda guy. I don't want to slowly peel it off so that I feel each hair getting pulled out of my skin. Just rip it off and deal with the pain all at once then start the recovery process. If I'm him I'd fire IMG (his image reps) and hire someone who isn't trying to milk this paycheck for all it's worth. Someone that would say... you want to be done with this shit, do this...

1. (grab the band aid) Tell Elin everything. If you want to stay married to her then ask her to stay married and quit f***ing everything. Get help if you need it. Get counseling. Cause you definitely need to work some shit out. If you don't want to be married, then grant her a divorce and give her some money... you got plenty. And the kids... look you can still be a good dad even if you were a shitty husband. BE A GOOD DAD! (if you ask my opinion, I'd say divorce)

2. (rip that bitch off) Call a bunch of reporters into a room, tell them what happened on Thanksgiving. Tell them you slept with a lot of women. Tell them how Elin found out. Answer questions. Next, give a one on one with Barbara Walters (or someone of the like), and speak from the heart. Tell her you know you let a lot of people down and that your sorry. Say it once! Any other apologies you need to make face to face; i.e. sponsors (even if they dropped you), family, friends, fellow golfers. Get the info out there so there are no more questions to be asked. The truth is always easier.

3. (say "ouch" and recover) PLAY GOLF. As soon as you start winning on the golf course this crap goes away. It'll take a little time for the golf announcers to stop mentioning it, but after a few months and a few wins... all it will be is about how you overcame such diversity instead of what you did. It will become another strength; your transgressions will become an asset.

But no one asked me. And your still dealing with the same shit. Even after your Terminator speech.

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