Monday, March 15, 2010

Dumb People Need Slaphand Too.

Reille Hunter, the videographer that f***ed John Edwards chances of ever being president or even thought of as decent ever again, was interviewed and photographed for an article in GQ has come out saying she is extremely upset with the photographs used in the article. She went as far as to say the picture of her looking sultry in a white dress shirt and little else (seen here) is repulsive.

It's GQ not Harper's Bazaar or Good Housekeeping and you posed for the f***ing thing, so why is it at all a surprise that it showed up in the mag.

She claims she "trusted" the photographer and "went with the flow."

Good call.

Is that like when you trusted John Edwards to keep your relationship out of the press when he was being followed by hundreds of news media, or like the time when you trusted him to do the right thing and fess up to being the father of your child.

Maybe you need to re-evaluate your ability to pick people to trust.

John Edwards is a dirt bag and your not many steps above him. You slept with a married man, even after being caught by his wife, even after she got cancer, so just shut your pie hole, take your sexy photos, and go with the flow.

Terry Nichols, of Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy fame, recently went on a hunger strike while in Federal Prison in Colorado to demand a more fiber rich diet apparently got what he wanted however says "much more needs to be done.",0,195249.story?track=rss

Nichols has also filed a lawsuit that argues the lack of available whole grains and fresh produce harms his health and violates his religious beliefs causing him to "sin against god."

You mean "sin against god" like conspiring to kill hundreds of people by exploding a large bomb while they worked in an office building... are you talking that kind of sin? Because I am a little confused on the level of sin we're talkin.

I am also confused on stuff like "why this guy is still breathin?" and "what does it take to get a guy shanked in prison?" and "fiber, are we talking about fiber?"


Casey Anthony's lawyers don't want you to see her as a partying whore only as a baby killer.

To update you, Casey Anthony is on trial for killing her 2 year old daughter, Caylee.

See here's what happened in a nut shell; Casey Anthony's mother reported to police that her 2 year old grand daughter had been missing for a month. Anthony claims she dropped the daughter off at a babysitters and when she returned the sitter and her daughter were no where to be found, so instead of calling police she decided to do her own month long investigation into the disappearance of her daughter without telling the police or her parents. This did not stop her from partying a few time with friends during the "investigation" though.

Police came to find the sitters apartment had been vacant for months prior to Anthony supposedly dropping her daughter off and the babysitter has never been found, nor is it believed that she even exist. Months into the investigation the body of Caylee was found in a marshy area less than 1 mile from Anthony's home with evidence of duct tape being used in the homicide... the same duct tape that was found in Anthony's home.

So, let me see if I have this straight... you dropped your daughter off at a vacant apartment, to a woman who doesn't exist and then decided not to report the crime to police so that you could investigate the matter yourself but come to find out your daughter ends up being dead and found with duct tape on her that you had in your house.. and your worried about a few party pics.

See, the judge has recently released photos of Anthony in various less than desirable poses... well, less then desirable if you are trying to get your client off of a murder charge by trying to pass her off as a good and caring mother.

Said pictures depict Anthony as a bit of a whore and a party animal. The party pics are a little damning, however they should be no more damning then fact that she killed her own daughter then tried to cover it up with a lame ass "babysitter" story while she investigated it... for a month.

You have to be a complete dumb ass to think that people would buy that shit. All I can say is enjoy the lightening ride honey.

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