Friday, March 12, 2010

I Forsee Failure

Anytime you can trade your current manager in for a psychic manager you got to pull the trigger on that.

Heidi and her boobs have hired Malibu based psychic, Aiden Chase, to manager her career, stating, "having an intuitive psychic leading my team gives me an edge no one else has."

Yeah, that worked great for Shirley McClain. However, I digress. What you should be doing is baring your two greatest assets; your witty sense of humor and ability to cry on cue.

Of course I'm kidding... just show us your boobs already!

Considering that your previous manager was your dumb shit husband, Spencer, trading up to a psychic probably was a pretty good move. He is definitely a solid choice... solid!

Or, and I'm just throwing this out there... you could hire an actual celebrity manager who is neither, A - your husband, or B - a whacked out fraud. Just saying.

Good luck... now when is that next Playboy shoot, cause when it's done your 15 minutes will be just about up. And, no one needs a psychic for that. (Unless of course you go bigger!... DO IT!)

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