Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lord, or uh, President of the Flies Hands Out our First VPITF.

While being interviewed by CNBC corespondent, John Harwood, President Obama swatted and killed an "innocent" fly in the middle of the interview, exclaiming "I got the sucker," upon the flies demise.

or YouTube the incident.

OF COURSE, this drew the ire of PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich who states "swatting a fly on TV indicates he's not perfect," and we wish he had not done that.

Are you F#$%ing kidding me. What the f#$% is wrong with those people. On behalf of the President I'd like to extend them a Virtual Punch In The Face for being so absolutely frickin stupid as to give two shits about that dead damn fly. Instead of getting on the President perhaps you should have explained to the fly not to buzz around his head, because that would make just about as much sense you friggin dumbass. I wish it was more of a LPITF (Literal). F#$% OFF PETA.

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