Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dew Addict

This is no shit...

Caron Butler, of the Washington Wizards, expresses his addiction for the "neon-yellow rocket fuel," as he calls it.

I called it "kick-start my heart juice."
I too was a Dew addict. And when he explains how hard it was to quit he is not making that crap up; cravings, night sweats, headaches... it's horrendous

For years I'd wake up in the morning and chug a Dew and then chase that with one at lunch and one with dinner and maybe one more before I went to bed. And, these were not 12 oz cans, no I was filling up a 32 oz cup... I figured I was putting a 2-liter away a day.
I came off the juice at the beginning of the summer of 2009 and I can totally emphasize with him, it was like two weeks of hell. I'd crave that shit. My head would start pounding around 10am and just throb all day. I was trying to supplement with green tea, but that's like trying to stop a cannon ball fired at your chest with a Kleenex.

Screw cigarettes, the FDA should be looking into the additives they put in Mt. Dew. I know there are some addictive stimulants in there, hell, maybe cocaine.
Over time I lost about 10 pounds after eradicating the Dew from my diet, however, I don't have the energy level in the mornings that the Dew gave me and I miss it, like a baby misses it's mother.
To this day I still get a craving once in a while. About 3 weeks ago, I broke down, while making a long drive and had one to help me stay awake, I had the shakes for, like, two hours. It's crazy stuff... awesome crazy stuff.

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