Thursday, March 24, 2011


Thomas Byers and Carolyn Wright of Shelby, North Carolina claim that the above video is of Bigfoot, or Knobby, as he's locally known, as he walked across a road in front of them.

Sorry folks, but I'm gonna have to call bullsh!t on that. Seriously, it's 2011, my cell phone has a better video camera on it then what Tom filmed this shot with. WTH, did he pick up an old reel to reel video camera at a pawn shop and start filmin. That's grainier than a wheat field. The Zapruder film had better focus.

What you have is 2, maybe 3, guys (and Carolyn) who dressed up a schmuck in a gorilla outfit and filmed him running across the road. When they watched the replay they were like (in their best N. Carolina draw) "Gosh darn that looks totally fake, you can see them seams and everything... We gotta make this look bonafide." So they breathed their hot, alcohol filled, breath over the lens and shook it around so it would be out of focus before they captured their 5 second clip and then went back to their trailer and drank some more until Carolyn showed them her boobs. That's WHAT happen; imbreeding + beer + crappy video camera + a group of people tired of filming Carolyn and Earl Jay doing the naked shuffle while wasted on refer.

Good to know that North Carolina Hillbilly's with a sh!tty camera can still make the national news... que the fiddle from Deliverance.

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