Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Are You Shi##ing Me?

In what has to be the biggest acquittal since O.J. got away with hacking his ex-wife to pieces Casey Anthony has been found "not guilty" of murdering her 2-year old daughter, Caylee Anthony.

Seen in the above picture "frantically searching" for her daughter (apparently her friend is searching for her too... "nope, not in her bra," he says) in the month that she claimed her daughter was "missing," and originally spent looking for her, Anthony later changed her story and told the jury that her daughter had accidentally drowned in her parents pool, and with the help of her father, made the accident look like a murder by placing duct tape over the child's mouth and disposing of the body in the woods behind their house. A claim her father denies. Furthermore they claim that Casey was hiding the emotional distress of the event because of sexual abuse by her father. Another claim her father denies.

By hiding emotional distress do they mean partying till all hours of the night, getting tattoos, and whoring around town... apparently so. Because the prosecution showed a plethora of pictures showing Casey looking like a partied up whore who'd f***ed every sad piece of sh!t in town. Like a pony, rode hard, put away wet. Not like the mother of a missing or dead child.

The prosecution all but showed pictures of Casey holding a chloroformed rag over her daughters mouth and evidence of lies and a cover up, but in the end it was ol' "dad looked at me naked" defense that won out. Even the defense noted that just because his client had "told elaborate lies and invented imaginary friends and even a fake father for Caylee," doesn't mean she killed her daughter.

I would contend that it doesn't mean she didn't either, but who am I... just a sane, realistic thinking person who can read through the bullsh!t this crazy a$$ bi#th was dishing out... just a nobody. I mean, maybe it's me but why would anyone, especially a retired cop, decide that it's better to make it look like a child was murdered when they ACCIDENTALLY drowned in the back yard pool. Stress or no stress I just don't effing get how that is better. I mean, as sad as is sounds, kids fall in pools all the time. It's a real bummer of a time (not to make light of it), but I don't recall anyone going to jail over it. So, why go through the effort of covering it up by lying about it.

But, again, who am I? Just some guy who would have smacked the sh!t out of any of those jurors that claimed "if the glove don't fit, we can't convict."

In the end the truth really goes untold and the only loser here is Caylee. I doubt anyone will ever be found responsible for her murder or accidental drowning or whatever. Much like O.J., Casey Anthony will probably have a pretty miserable life but it won't be as miserable as it should have been. And, quite a bit longer, unfortunately.

Put her on my list - - People Who Need A Good A$$ Whoppin'


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