Friday, July 1, 2011

Things I Learned Today: Money Matters

Being a Billionaire Makes One Much Better Looking - It was recently announced that while "broken up for, like, two weeks" from his soon to be wife, Selma Hayek, French billionaire and world class douche, Francois-Henri Pinault fathered a child with former supermodel Linda Evangelista.

Seriously? Look at this a$$-clown (in picture, standing next to Selma Hayeks boobs).

He's old, wrinkly, French, balding, and old.

If this guys not a billionaire the only wool this turd would be able to pull down would be the ones found at your local shi##y bar... you know the one... only half the lights in the sign work, they have a gravel parking lot, a door and no windows, and all the women that frequent the place smoke Marlboro Menthal Lights. Quality chicks!

Instead, because his wallet is such a gawd dam good looking son-of-a-bi#ch he's pulling down the likes of Selma Hayek and Linda Evangelista... while he's playin' bongos with her bongos he Evangelicking hers.

Lucky rich bastard.

(I don't actually know if Francois-Henri Pinault is French, I did not research that, but he looks like it... I can, however, confirm that he is a douche, because he looks like it)

Millionaires Fight With Billionaires - With the latest NBA labor negotiations going about as well as Frank McCourt's divorce, it looks like it's going to be awhile before my favorite sport starts up anytime soon. So, what's at the core of this disagreement.

Well, I could bore you with terms like "hard-cap," "revenue shares," and "player benefits," or I could just give you the straight-skinny and tell you this... A bunch of f***ing babies are arguing with a bunch of f***ing whiners and they all want more and they are all f***ing rich already.

In a league where the average salary is $4.3 million a year and most owners wealth is counted by the billions ask me if I give a damn who gets what? Because in the end it's the fans that lose out. The only guarantee that will come out of these negotiations is that my ticket price will not decrease.

So, I have a solution to this problem.

A union representing the fan.

Every fan could join for a small fee and our lawyers could let the league know that we're not going to take this sh!t anymore.

Instead of players going on strike or owners locking them out let's see how everyone reacts when 570,000 strong say, "f*** you, we're not buying tickets till you get your sh!t together."

Now the chances of that ever happening are like a billion to one, which are about the same odds that the NBA season will start on time. But, imagine being able to pull that off.

Hummm, union Steward, B HanDaMan at your service.

Those a$$-clowns wouldn't know what hit 'em.

The Summer of the Superhero Has Been a Bust, Thus far - With 34 of 45 superhero movies for the summer already out at the box office (ok, slight exaggeration) it's safe to say that not everyone gets saved when there's a superhero in the world.

Due to the enormous success of Batman, Spiderman, and most recently, and directly, Iron Man this summer was loaded up with the Superhero genre; Thor, X-Men, Green Lantern, Green Hornet (going back into the spring) , Transformers, etc. The problem is that those movies are not performing to the expectations of the major studios wallets. It's doubtful any of these films will be big losers but they certainly are not pulling in the profits as expected... I have a theory as to why.

Reason 1) There's too many of them. Why release 8 of the same movies. Each one basically has the same premise; guy in a pair of tights saves the world. The story lines are pretty much the exact same; movie starts out with a bang, bad guy sets out to wrong the world, good guy steps in to stop him using his (insert super power here) powers, bad guy fails, world saved, end clip shows something that lends to there being a sequel, end of movie.

I have NEVER understood why Summer dominates the big studio releases. Take a movie like The Green Lantern... about the 5th superhero movie this summer. Opened big, dropped big. Cost about $280 mil to make, won't make that domestically.


Because the market is saturated with big-time movies.

So, why not release that thing in February. There is nothing but worthless sh*t on in February. February is like the Sahara desert of the movie season, with nothing else to see except maybe a big movie that came out over Christmas that you've already seen. The Green Lantern would have been huge in February.

The 4 biggest movies each week in February (by # of screens): Sanctum, Just Go With It, I am Number 4, and Hall Pass... the Justin Bieber movie was the biggest February released money earner and it only made $12 million the first week.

What would have happened if you opened the Green Lantern during one of those weeks?

Everyone who was bored as sh!t, tired of cold weather, and just wanting to be entertained, even if it's for only two dam hours would go see it. Afterall, what the hell else you gonna see. Bieber Fever? F*** that!

Reason 2) 2 words: Social Media. With all your friends tweeting and posting how the movie they just saw was on Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs there have been record fall-offs for movies after opening weekends this summer.

Opening weekend. You're best friend calls you up and says, "dude, lets catch the new X-men this weekend." But, you can't because your cousin is having his Bar Mitzvah and your HAVE to go. So you say, "Dude, can't... gotta do this jewish thingy... probably catch it next weekend." So that night after you've yelled "malzeltof" you check facebook and your buddy that went to the movie that night has a status update that says, "saw X-men tonight with all my real friends that aren't Jewish... wait till the DVD... seriously, I'm supposed to be interested in a Superhero who is all goody-goody and really doesn't have that cool of powers... bring back Wolverine!"

So, there you go. You're not going to waste your time next weekend seeing if because one of your trusted friends, i.e. not some a$$-clown from your local paper or some big name movie reviewer (whose probably being paid to give it good marks) told you what they thought of the movie. And, the movie drops 60% from one weekend to the next because everybody in America is friends with some dork just like your Jewish friend. Malzeltof!

Reason #3) Storyline. As previously mentioned your plots are a little played out and predictable. I could even buy into the same plot over and over if it were somewhat compelling with the drama that goes along with the action. I saw Transformers this past weekend and although I liked it and would recommend it, two hours into the movie I found myself saying... "Christ, I don't know if I can take another damn robot fight."

Hollywood, I think you're gonna have to mix it up a bit to pull the big money numbers back in; either that or give the genre a rest for a bit.

But, with Captain America still to come out this summer and Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wolverine, and The Avengers coming in the near future it looks like there will be no rest for the weary superhero.

Fight on, oh tight wearing champion of the masses, fight on!

(I successfully used the word "a$$-clown" in each article today... a success in my book)

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