Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No, F*** You Lindsay


That's awesome and bad all at the same time.

This bitch should have been sent to jail a long time ago, but due to the judge being a bit of a puss and a celebrity suck ass Lohan hasn't had to... until now.

Apparently Judge Judy, excuse me Judge Revel finally came to her senses and sentenced this psychopath to jail. Albeit only 90 days... I guarantee if I did all the shit that she did I'd be in jail for a minimum of 2 years.

So, why is this bad. Because 90 days in jail then a mandatory 90 day rehab stint may just clean her up and prevent her from dying. That really effin bites. I really wanted to see this coked up whore lying in her own vomit, half naked, in some shitty motel in some death photos that somehow showed up on the Internet.

It still wouldn't surprise me if somehow she's gets off for time served, if anyone can pull that off it's this nut bag.

What really chaps my ass was the fact that the whole time she was in court she had "f*** u" written on her middle finger. I'd of had her dragged out of court and had that nail pulled off with a pair of pliers. But that's me. I don't take shit from celebrities and I'm not a California judge.

Maybe she'll become someone's jail bitch and forced to lick clean the toilets in her masters cell... that'd be sweet. One can dream can't they?

1 comment:

  1. Surprise! This just in The California Penal system is so overcrowded that "non-violent offenders" are typically only spending 25% of their sentence in jail; which equals 22 days for Lohan. When is someone in CA gonna SACK the F*** UP and give this bitch what she deserves. I swear to god if this was me I'd be doing 2 years as prisoner HA76213, aka The Sisters Saturday Night Special. WTF!
