Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Serenity Now!

Mark DeMoss, A self described "conservative evangelical Southern Baptist who tried to elect Mitt Romney, a Mormon, as president" has started a project to bring civility back into our sorry lives.


Mark, along with a Jewish guy, and a couple of people that have worked for the current and past presidents and who are all fed up with lack of civilness in which we treat each other are asking us, as a society, to be civil in our public discourse and behavior, be respectful of others whether or not we agree with them, and to stand against incivility when we see it.

While I admire the nobility of such a project, (because, god knows, most people are dickheads) I think it could use a little Slap Hand to push it over the top. Therefore I am launching my own project:


First of all... a little background on this subject. This past weekend on my way back to OKC I stopped at one of those "center of the turnpike" restaurant/gas station combos where I found cars lined up 3 and 4 deep to get gas. After several minutes of waiting my turn I arrived at the pump.

Let me paint this scene for you... the gas station had two pumps in a row. I pulled up to the second pump, so there was a guy in front of me that I would not be able to pass unless he moved. I had allowed the car at the pump prior to my pulling in to back out because the person in front of them was not in their car. In other words he was using the pump space as a parking space while he was inside getting snacks, pissin, or doing something inside the station.

Anywho... I pulled up and when I got done filling my car up with gas the guy in front of me came walking out of the gas station with what looked like a 78 oz. cup of pop, and a bag of snacks and crap... I thought, "good, he'll pull out and I will follow." Evidently so did the guy behind me and consequently he pulled up right behind me, the guy behind him did the same, and so, on and so on. There were now 4 cars right on my ass waiting on me to move.

Low and behold the dumb ass who had spent, at least, the time it takes to fill up two cars in the store, starts pumping his gas. WTF! Why wasn't he pumping gas when he was in the store (and don't give me that prepay crap, because I watched him slide his card into the pump)? There was a car at the pump next to him so it did not look like I could squeeze through in order to clear my space for the car behind me. And, since the 4 cars behind me had pulled right up on my ass I couldn't back out. I was stuck.

So, I waited while this guy sat in his truck and pumped gas.

Finally his pump shut off, he was full. Now we could get moving. But wait... now what's this sonofabitch doing... he's cleaning his windshield. Why the f*** couldn't he have done that while his truck was filling up. WTFnF!

My temper now boiling, I ordered my wife to fold in the mirror. I was going through. And, that's just what I did, with about 3 inches to spare on each side, of the car. Now while I was carefully sliding between this dumb f***s car and the one next to him I looked over at him and he gave me a look like I was some inconsiderate asshole. To which I told him...


Absolutely nothing. In fact I turned away when he glared at me, acting as if I didn't see him.

And that is where Mark DeMoss and his friends have inspired me. Just like their project to demand civility out of society, I will demand consideration from society in an uncivil way. In other words, I am not going to let that shit slide anymore. Because I am a devout believer in the Inconsiderate Asshole Project.

I will no longer sit passively while I watch motherf***ers like gas pump guy be the inconsiderate assholes that they are.

Nope, from now on they are gonna hear from me. I'm sick as shit of their inconsiderate ways, their lack of common sense, and their inability to just be decent. So, watch the f*** out.

Next time at the gas pump this is how it's gonna play out - Gas pump guy gets out to clean his windshield after holding everyone up for about 10 minutes so he can do his own thing. Fed up I decide to drive between him and the car next to him. He shoots me a dirty look. I roll down my window and say, "you wanna know why the f*** I'm doing this sh!thead. Look behind me... we've all been waiting on your dumb ass to move so we get our gas and get the f*** outta here. Instead of taking your sweet time to piss and get your snacks, gas, and clean your window, why don't you do this... pull up to the pump, start pumping gas, clean your windshield while the pump is doing it's thing, and then pull into a parking space and to piss and get your f***ing snacks. Doesn't that make more sense you INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE!

America be warned. The Inconsiderate Asshole Project in ON and we're watching you!

1 comment:

  1. Things I've done as part of the inconsiderate asshole project.

    1. held door open for guy at restruant while my hands full with bag of food and 2 drinks... he walked in without saying a word or grabbing the door. I said "your welcome" He then said "what." I said, "I held the door open, you didn't say thank you." He rolled his eyes at me. I walked out set food in car... thought for a second... walked back in right up to him at the cashier line and yelled, "well then FUCK YOU." Got lots of crazy guy stares from patrons... but I felt better.

    2. While at my kids basketball game some crazy dad was pacing the floor in front of everyone, yelling for his kid, complaining about every call, and blocking everyones view... I asked him if he wouldn't mind sitting down. His wife even echod my sentiments. He sat for about 2 minutes when another bad call (and it was bad) was made and he stood up and resumed pacing. A few more minutes. On a free throw for our team he bantered at his kid to block the shooter all the while blocking my view I snapped. "Sit the fuck down." We exchanged heated words with he and I both getting kicked out of gym. In the parking lot I told him I was going to my car to get my baseball bat to beat his ass. He left before I could excacute my plan. I have a great video of the whole event on my cell phone.

    3. In line at grocery store and a new register opened up with the employee saying, "I can help the next customer." The lady behind me bee lined it to the register and sat her stuff down. I walked up, cut in front of her, turned to look at her and said, "I was the next customer." She gave me an exasperated look so I gave her the crazy eyes. She didn't say anything.

    4. While waiting to turn into a parking space at Bass Pro, with signal on, a car coming from the other way stole the space while I was waiting for the exiting car to manuver around me. I pulled up and told the guy, "hey, that was my space." He just looked at me and said, "sorry man," and walked in. I unscrewed his lisense plate, flipped it around, and wrote, I WANT TO FUCK YOUR KID, on it with a Sharpie then reattached it to his car.
