Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stoopid Idea; Hiking in Iraq

Iran recently announced it would charge three American hikers with espionage for accidentally crossing the Iranian border while hiking in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Don't get me wrong here, I do not believe that the three Americans the Iranians have detained are spies. I whole heartily believe they are merely serving as pawns to be used as leverage against the American government to get whatever it is that the Iranian government wants; be it prisoner exchange, nuclear regulatory relaxations, international recognition, etc. But, there is something that needs to be said to the hikers.

What the F#&% were you thinking.

There are a few places in the world that Americans should probably not go for their own safety; a Somali cruise, any Congonese back road bike ride, a stroll through a North Korean market for some tomatoes, a leisurely walk through the slums of Brazil, and hiking along the Iranian border.

First of all, there are lots of places to go hiking that are a hell of a lot safer than Iraq and Iran. To Everest and back for one. I don't care if it is the cradle of civilazation... it sure the hell ain't civilized now.

Second, you're parents have made it well known that you are well versed in Iraqi culture and religions and that you are, for lack of a better word, "worldly." But, you must also understand how these other cultures see you, not just how you see these other cultures. They do not always see a sympathetic, innocent, worldly hiker... they sometimes just see an American. And, no matter how you act or feel, nor the being that you are can change what that label, "American" means to some people.

You're educated, you're familiar with the region, the political situations, the wars, but in addition to that you should have damn well known that you are Americans too, and what being an American can mean to others.

As an avid hiker I am always aware of my surroundings. If in Moab, on slick rock, I know the dangers of flash flooding, slippage, extreme heat, and what a lack of water can do to you. If hiking in Colorado I check the weather and know the area I'll be in. If hiking around a new lake in Tennessee I make sure to stay out of creepy banjo playin towns. And, if I were hiking along the Iraqi / Iranian border I'd damn sure know where it was. But, you know what... I wouldn't even be hiking in Iraq, it just ain't worth it right now, I don't care if they are trying to boost their tourism(

Is it your fault you are being detained and charged for espionage in Iran... absolutely not (unless you really are spies). Will you eventually get out of Iranian prison... probably so, after much political mumbo jumbo and leveraging. Should you have known where the hell your were hiking... yes, you most certainly should have. Will you be wiser for the ordeal... hopefully.

one last thing... it's called a GPS, invest!

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