Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Top 5 Movies I Didn't Actually See in a Theater

I've been trying to go see Zombieland since it hit theaters several weeks ago... I've actually had plans to go with friends and canceled them twice. Which got me to thinking what were the best movies I've ever seen, but not when they were in theaters.

Uno. The Shawshank Redemption - not only one of the best movies I never saw in a theater, but one of the best movies of all time. Not only did I not see it in a theater, I don't recall it ever being in the theater. I don't think anyone ever came up to me and said, "man, you gotta see Shawshank, it's frickin awesome." Just didn't happen. But, I wish they had.

2. The Usual Suspects - Probably one of the best movie endings of all time. I mean can you think of another movie that had you saying, "DAMMNNNN," as much as Suspects did... ok maybe Sixth Sense. But when I saw the Sixth Sense, someone had spilled the ending to me, so it was no surprise. However my wife figured it out half way through the movie and whispered loud enough, "he's dead," for the people behind us to go... "oh yeahhhh."

III. Austin Powers - It looked really dumb. People keep telling me, "you gotta see it, it's hilarious." Just never did, cause I thought it looked stoopid. It wasn't until I caught bits of it on, like TBS, that I thought I might like it. I bought it a few weeks later watched it. Laughed my ass off.

Four. Goodfellas - This movie came out in 1990, I was 19 and just not that into gangster flicks. Now-a-days I could recite this movie word for word. It was awesome. I wish I had more taste back then.

Chanel #. Lord of the Rings 2 and 3 - I just didn't get it. I watched Rings 1 and thought the ending sucked. I hadn't read the books, so I didn't even know it was a trilogy going into it. When it ended I stood up and remember saying aloud... "seriously, that's it." But having since rented 2 and 3 I've really come to like it. Probably won't watch it again, but it was very good once.

In contrast to the above, there have been several movies I have seen that I wish I hadn't paid for. The worst being "Kissed by the Dragon," staring Jet Li and Bridget Fonda. World record bad. In fact, now when I talk with friends about a bad movie I say... "don't go see that, it's been 'kissed by the dragon.'"

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