If you want to throw up in your mouth a little bit read the next line.
"I'm in love with my grandson and we're having a baby."
If you want to throw up a whole crap load read the article.
It's a world gone mad people.
72 year old Pearl Carter has fallen in love with her 26 year old grandson, Phil Bailey. That's right Pearl is Phil's biological grandmother. Pearl had a daughter when she was 18 that she gave up for adoption. Many years later, Pearl's daughter had a son, Phil. In 2006 after Phil's mom died of cancer Phil decided to look for his mothers biological mother and met Pearl. Then f***ed her.
OK, maybe that last part was a little shocking, but more or less it is true. After contacting Pearl through a letter the two met and "cried for hours." But, after the meeting Pearl felt a sexual attraction, which some nut told her was a "normal" feeling called GSA or Genetic Sexual Attraction. After only 2 weeks of getting to know her grandson Phil, she kissed him... and instead of smashing his dick with a hammer, gargling liquid Drano, and then shooting himself, as I would have done, Phil, reciprocated the behavior... they made love for the first time that night.
Now if that doesn't make you want to upchuck just a little I don't know what will. Think about that for a second. I don't know about your grandma but mine kinda has this mushy pasty white skin that always feels a little colder than normal. She's got wrinkles all over and smells like... well, like old lady. She has age spots all over and random bruises from "leaning" on things. She can't see very well, she can't hear. Her breast, by appearance, are a lot further south than they should be and I can only imagine what her "junk" would look like... oh god. verpfttf.
I can now actually taste bile.
Anyway... Phil hit that. Phil hit that over and over. Since that night they have been living with each other and having sex... mushy, old lady sex. And, about a year ago decided to have a child with one another. But, since Pearl is, how shall we put this, out of her f***ing gourd, er, I mean beyond child bearing years, they hired a surrogate to sire their child.
Why anyone would want to give a child to an old lady and her grand kid/lover is beyond me. Actually they've given her 54,000 reasons, but still... that's a slaphand for another time.
And, this poor kid is gonna have some major issues. His mom is also his great grandmother, his dad is also his like third cousin or great uncle or something. Basically this kid is gonna be in therapy for most of it's life.
Yep... it's a mad, mad world. And, Phil, if you're reading this, you are one sick motherf***er, or grandmotherf***er, as the case may be.
Friday, April 30, 2010
What the Hell is Going on in China
And, I thought we had school security issues...
In the last month there have been five attacks on schools in China where some nut job has gone into a class room and just started killing kids and teachers.
In this latest incident a man walked into a Pre-School (yeah, a pre-school, that's 3 and 4 year olds) and just started hammering little kids... literally. By that, I mean the man took a hammer and started hitting kids with it, then he poured gas all over himself and set himself on fire. Five kids were injured in the attack, but thankfully none were killed. However, there gonna be some kids in therapy after seeing something like that!
That's just f***ing crazy. But, wait, there's more.
In three other instances the kids have not been that lucky. In all three cases men have walked into the classrooms and just started stabbing kids with a knife. In one case a man walked into a kindergarten class full of 4 and 5 year old kids... it is not known the exact number killed, but estimated to be at least 28 injured.
How, eat my own feces, crazy do you have to be to walk into a school and start killing little kids with a knife... China crazy, that's how crazy.
Say what you want though but at the very least the Chinese have capitol punishment figured out... in an attack on a school last month a man killed 8 children and wounded 5 others with a knife. He was put to death this week by firing squad... now that, my friends, is punishment at it's swiftest. If this had happened in the U.S. the surviving kids would probably have graduated high school before the court system was done with all the appeals and they would have kids before he were actually put to death.
And, I thought we had school security issues...
In the last month there have been five attacks on schools in China where some nut job has gone into a class room and just started killing kids and teachers.
In this latest incident a man walked into a Pre-School (yeah, a pre-school, that's 3 and 4 year olds) and just started hammering little kids... literally. By that, I mean the man took a hammer and started hitting kids with it, then he poured gas all over himself and set himself on fire. Five kids were injured in the attack, but thankfully none were killed. However, there gonna be some kids in therapy after seeing something like that!
That's just f***ing crazy. But, wait, there's more.
In three other instances the kids have not been that lucky. In all three cases men have walked into the classrooms and just started stabbing kids with a knife. In one case a man walked into a kindergarten class full of 4 and 5 year old kids... it is not known the exact number killed, but estimated to be at least 28 injured.
How, eat my own feces, crazy do you have to be to walk into a school and start killing little kids with a knife... China crazy, that's how crazy.
Say what you want though but at the very least the Chinese have capitol punishment figured out... in an attack on a school last month a man killed 8 children and wounded 5 others with a knife. He was put to death this week by firing squad... now that, my friends, is punishment at it's swiftest. If this had happened in the U.S. the surviving kids would probably have graduated high school before the court system was done with all the appeals and they would have kids before he were actually put to death.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Rich People Suck
I had a discussion today with a Doctor about how hard it is getting for doctors to make a living and how the new heath care laws, that were recently passed, will only make it worse for doctors ability to prosper.
He cited a couple of examples... he is currently treating a 21 year old guy who fell off of a ladder and now has brain damage. He is uninsured. The doctor says that he has been in ICU for 10 days at the cost of $13K to $16K a day. He claims that he is basically treating him for free since he knows that if and when the guy recovers he will never pay his medical bill that will probably total nearly 1/4 of a million dollars.
He also spoke of a woman who one of his fellow doctors is treating that had twins about 3 months premature. She is uninsured. The twins are in neo-natal ICU and probably will be for about 2 months. He figures this doctor stands to forfeit about $40-60K in bills for the treatment of this woman's babies.
He complained about malpractice insurance cost and the cost of his education.
He explained that it is getting harder and harder for him to cover the cost of running his practice and paying for his insurance with the way the system is today.
He complained that patients are not made to pay. As an example, he explained that when a builder builds a house, (Note: I work for a builder) should the homeowner refuse to pay, at least the builder can place a lien on the house and prevent the house from being closed on or sold by the homeowner without first settling the bill with the builder. Builders, he says, at least have some retribution.
Doctors do not.
If you decide not to pay your bill the hospital will continue to send you bills, that, if not payed, will probably affect your credit rating, but they can not force you to pay. There is no retribution.
He explained that the new health care laws that were passed will only cause further problems. Now the taxpayer will foot the bill; the doctor will have to pay the bill, I will have to pay the bill and you will have to pay the bill.
While I agree that sucks and I empathize with the doctor for the patients he treats that do not pay him, I would like to point out one thing...
The doctor was in with me discussing his $600K lake house.
Life has got to be kicking your ass if you can only afford a $600K lake house. How can you survive?
He cited a couple of examples... he is currently treating a 21 year old guy who fell off of a ladder and now has brain damage. He is uninsured. The doctor says that he has been in ICU for 10 days at the cost of $13K to $16K a day. He claims that he is basically treating him for free since he knows that if and when the guy recovers he will never pay his medical bill that will probably total nearly 1/4 of a million dollars.
He also spoke of a woman who one of his fellow doctors is treating that had twins about 3 months premature. She is uninsured. The twins are in neo-natal ICU and probably will be for about 2 months. He figures this doctor stands to forfeit about $40-60K in bills for the treatment of this woman's babies.
He complained about malpractice insurance cost and the cost of his education.
He explained that it is getting harder and harder for him to cover the cost of running his practice and paying for his insurance with the way the system is today.
He complained that patients are not made to pay. As an example, he explained that when a builder builds a house, (Note: I work for a builder) should the homeowner refuse to pay, at least the builder can place a lien on the house and prevent the house from being closed on or sold by the homeowner without first settling the bill with the builder. Builders, he says, at least have some retribution.
Doctors do not.
If you decide not to pay your bill the hospital will continue to send you bills, that, if not payed, will probably affect your credit rating, but they can not force you to pay. There is no retribution.
He explained that the new health care laws that were passed will only cause further problems. Now the taxpayer will foot the bill; the doctor will have to pay the bill, I will have to pay the bill and you will have to pay the bill.
While I agree that sucks and I empathize with the doctor for the patients he treats that do not pay him, I would like to point out one thing...
The doctor was in with me discussing his $600K lake house.
Life has got to be kicking your ass if you can only afford a $600K lake house. How can you survive?
Monday, April 12, 2010
I'd Like the Robert D'Zar Chin, Please
Thursday, April 1, 2010
In Local News: Why's He Still Breathin?
An Oklahoma City "father," (and I use that term loosely) gets a life sentence after admitting to killing his 6 month old daughter by shaking her after she resisted getting dressed.
Are you f***ing serious.
What did she do, squirm, cry... it's not like she stood up and said "hey dad, F*** YOU!, I don't wanna get dressed... I wanna shake my ass... that's right mother-f***er... I'm dancing on the pole now and I'm a gonna get paid bitch," because I can see where you might want to kill her if she was acting like that... but a 6 month old does not resist getting dressed, she acts like a baby does from time to time and squirmed and cried.
You are a gutless turd.
But wait, there's more.
This isn't the first child he has killed.
Apparently in 1998 he suffocated his one month old son by placing a rag in his mouth because he was crying. Released from jail in 2008, he shacked up with the same woman and had another child with her... you read that right... the same woman.
This begs several questions.
1. Why is this man allowed to reproduce. I think there should be a MANDATORY sentence involved with the death of a child - If you have taken the life of a child you should not be allowed to reproduce. A vasectomy should be given to anyone who has ever killed a child. Period. As a tax paying citizen I'd stand behind this and pay for these motherf***ers to get their junk clipped. Actually what they should do is stand him on top of a 3 story building, tie his nut sack to a cinder block with 2 stories of rope and toss that shit off the side. But I digress.
2. Why didn't someone beat the shit our of the woman who chose to reproduce for a second time with a man who killed her first child. Now, you should have the shit beaten out of you for letting that crap happen.
3. Why was this man left alone with a child (see point #2) when it is obvious he has some major f***ing issues. If I was family to this woman someone would have to surgically remove my foot from her ass from all the shit kicking I'd be doing.
4. Why is this douche bag still breathin. The prosecutor on this case needs the shit kicked out of them too.
I guess what I'm saying is that there was a real lack of shit kicking going on.
This is some f***ed up crap... I can't believe we have to share the same air as this shit bag. If there is any justice in this world he will be repeatedly sodomized in prison then shanked... after a good shit kickin
An Oklahoma City "father," (and I use that term loosely) gets a life sentence after admitting to killing his 6 month old daughter by shaking her after she resisted getting dressed.
Are you f***ing serious.
What did she do, squirm, cry... it's not like she stood up and said "hey dad, F*** YOU!, I don't wanna get dressed... I wanna shake my ass... that's right mother-f***er... I'm dancing on the pole now and I'm a gonna get paid bitch," because I can see where you might want to kill her if she was acting like that... but a 6 month old does not resist getting dressed, she acts like a baby does from time to time and squirmed and cried.
You are a gutless turd.
But wait, there's more.
This isn't the first child he has killed.
Apparently in 1998 he suffocated his one month old son by placing a rag in his mouth because he was crying. Released from jail in 2008, he shacked up with the same woman and had another child with her... you read that right... the same woman.
This begs several questions.
1. Why is this man allowed to reproduce. I think there should be a MANDATORY sentence involved with the death of a child - If you have taken the life of a child you should not be allowed to reproduce. A vasectomy should be given to anyone who has ever killed a child. Period. As a tax paying citizen I'd stand behind this and pay for these motherf***ers to get their junk clipped. Actually what they should do is stand him on top of a 3 story building, tie his nut sack to a cinder block with 2 stories of rope and toss that shit off the side. But I digress.
2. Why didn't someone beat the shit our of the woman who chose to reproduce for a second time with a man who killed her first child. Now, you should have the shit beaten out of you for letting that crap happen.
3. Why was this man left alone with a child (see point #2) when it is obvious he has some major f***ing issues. If I was family to this woman someone would have to surgically remove my foot from her ass from all the shit kicking I'd be doing.
4. Why is this douche bag still breathin. The prosecutor on this case needs the shit kicked out of them too.
I guess what I'm saying is that there was a real lack of shit kicking going on.
This is some f***ed up crap... I can't believe we have to share the same air as this shit bag. If there is any justice in this world he will be repeatedly sodomized in prison then shanked... after a good shit kickin
Cheatin' Nazi's

Jesse James is having a bad week.
Whenever something goes wrong for a celebrity it seems to go horribly wrong. In this case the media is digging up every thing that Jesse James has ever done wrong in his whole life.
My dad always said... "never pick a fight with someone who buys ink in 55 gallon drums." I guess the same thing can be said to a celebrity who cheated on his all America loves her wife, don't entice someone who buys their ink in 55 gallon drums.
In a weeks span he has gone from just being a cheater to being a Neo-Nazi who likes tatted up bitches and trolls for biker skank on shady websites so he can get his freak on in a three way with another dude and possibly a monkey... oh and he's a sex addict. Duh!
So let's tally this up...
- 3 mistresses and counting
"chexting" (which I guess is a cheating and texting play on words)
"chexting" (which I guess is a cheating and texting play on words)
- monkey fetish (WTF)
- Three-ways with dudes
- Nazi poses
- tatted up freaks
- refereed to as a "dud" in bed
- beaten with flower pot by ex-wife
- sex rehab
Not Tiger, but not bad. Gotta love the sex rehab ploy. I think claiming you are a sex addict is the new "in" thing. We'll see more of this in the next 1-2 years... everyone will be a sex addict then it will fade out and celebrities will claim "father issues," or "self-deprecating addiction."
If I was smart I'd open up a sex addict clinic right now and start treating people like they did in Clock Work Orange.
Anyway, looks like all mistresses are gettin paid. Bombshell McGee has started her own XXX website (cha-ching) and I'm sure those other beyotchs are not far behind her. Who said cheaters never prosper apparently never cheated on a celebrity.
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