Friday, April 30, 2010

What the Hell is Going on in China

And, I thought we had school security issues...

In the last month there have been five attacks on schools in China where some nut job has gone into a class room and just started killing kids and teachers.

In this latest incident a man walked into a Pre-School (yeah, a pre-school, that's 3 and 4 year olds) and just started hammering little kids... literally. By that, I mean the man took a hammer and started hitting kids with it, then he poured gas all over himself and set himself on fire. Five kids were injured in the attack, but thankfully none were killed. However, there gonna be some kids in therapy after seeing something like that!

That's just f***ing crazy. But, wait, there's more.

In three other instances the kids have not been that lucky. In all three cases men have walked into the classrooms and just started stabbing kids with a knife. In one case a man walked into a kindergarten class full of 4 and 5 year old kids... it is not known the exact number killed, but estimated to be at least 28 injured.

How, eat my own feces, crazy do you have to be to walk into a school and start killing little kids with a knife... China crazy, that's how crazy.

Say what you want though but at the very least the Chinese have capitol punishment figured out... in an attack on a school last month a man killed 8 children and wounded 5 others with a knife. He was put to death this week by firing squad... now that, my friends, is punishment at it's swiftest. If this had happened in the U.S. the surviving kids would probably have graduated high school before the court system was done with all the appeals and they would have kids before he were actually put to death.

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