Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rich People Suck

I had a discussion today with a Doctor about how hard it is getting for doctors to make a living and how the new heath care laws, that were recently passed, will only make it worse for doctors ability to prosper.

He cited a couple of examples... he is currently treating a 21 year old guy who fell off of a ladder and now has brain damage. He is uninsured. The doctor says that he has been in ICU for 10 days at the cost of $13K to $16K a day. He claims that he is basically treating him for free since he knows that if and when the guy recovers he will never pay his medical bill that will probably total nearly 1/4 of a million dollars.

He also spoke of a woman who one of his fellow doctors is treating that had twins about 3 months premature. She is uninsured. The twins are in neo-natal ICU and probably will be for about 2 months. He figures this doctor stands to forfeit about $40-60K in bills for the treatment of this woman's babies.

He complained about malpractice insurance cost and the cost of his education.

He explained that it is getting harder and harder for him to cover the cost of running his practice and paying for his insurance with the way the system is today.

He complained that patients are not made to pay. As an example, he explained that when a builder builds a house, (Note: I work for a builder) should the homeowner refuse to pay, at least the builder can place a lien on the house and prevent the house from being closed on or sold by the homeowner without first settling the bill with the builder. Builders, he says, at least have some retribution.

Doctors do not.

If you decide not to pay your bill the hospital will continue to send you bills, that, if not payed, will probably affect your credit rating, but they can not force you to pay. There is no retribution.

He explained that the new health care laws that were passed will only cause further problems. Now the taxpayer will foot the bill; the doctor will have to pay the bill, I will have to pay the bill and you will have to pay the bill.

While I agree that sucks and I empathize with the doctor for the patients he treats that do not pay him, I would like to point out one thing...

The doctor was in with me discussing his $600K lake house.

Life has got to be kicking your ass if you can only afford a $600K lake house. How can you survive?


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