Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cheatin' Nazi's

Jesse James is having a bad week.

Whenever something goes wrong for a celebrity it seems to go horribly wrong. In this case the media is digging up every thing that Jesse James has ever done wrong in his whole life.

My dad always said... "never pick a fight with someone who buys ink in 55 gallon drums." I guess the same thing can be said to a celebrity who cheated on his all America loves her wife, don't entice someone who buys their ink in 55 gallon drums.

In a weeks span he has gone from just being a cheater to being a Neo-Nazi who likes tatted up bitches and trolls for biker skank on shady websites so he can get his freak on in a three way with another dude and possibly a monkey... oh and he's a sex addict. Duh!

So let's tally this up...

- 3 mistresses and counting
"chexting" (which I guess is a cheating and texting play on words)

- monkey fetish (WTF)

- Three-ways with dudes

- Nazi poses

- tatted up freaks

- refereed to as a "dud" in bed

- beaten with flower pot by ex-wife

- sex rehab

Not Tiger, but not bad. Gotta love the sex rehab ploy. I think claiming you are a sex addict is the new "in" thing. We'll see more of this in the next 1-2 years... everyone will be a sex addict then it will fade out and celebrities will claim "father issues," or "self-deprecating addiction."

If I was smart I'd open up a sex addict clinic right now and start treating people like they did in Clock Work Orange.

Anyway, looks like all mistresses are gettin paid. Bombshell McGee has started her own XXX website (cha-ching) and I'm sure those other beyotchs are not far behind her. Who said cheaters never prosper apparently never cheated on a celebrity.

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