Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Local News: Why's He Still Breathin?

An Oklahoma City "father," (and I use that term loosely) gets a life sentence after admitting to killing his 6 month old daughter by shaking her after she resisted getting dressed.

Are you f***ing serious.

What did she do, squirm, cry... it's not like she stood up and said "hey dad, F*** YOU!, I don't wanna get dressed... I wanna shake my ass... that's right mother-f***er... I'm dancing on the pole now and I'm a gonna get paid bitch," because I can see where you might want to kill her if she was acting like that... but a 6 month old does not resist getting dressed, she acts like a baby does from time to time and squirmed and cried.

You are a gutless turd.

But wait, there's more.

This isn't the first child he has killed.

Apparently in 1998 he suffocated his one month old son by placing a rag in his mouth because he was crying. Released from jail in 2008, he shacked up with the same woman and had another child with her... you read that right... the same woman.

This begs several questions.

1. Why is this man allowed to reproduce. I think there should be a MANDATORY sentence involved with the death of a child - If you have taken the life of a child you should not be allowed to reproduce. A vasectomy should be given to anyone who has ever killed a child. Period. As a tax paying citizen I'd stand behind this and pay for these motherf***ers to get their junk clipped. Actually what they should do is stand him on top of a 3 story building, tie his nut sack to a cinder block with 2 stories of rope and toss that shit off the side. But I digress.

2. Why didn't someone beat the shit our of the woman who chose to reproduce for a second time with a man who killed her first child. Now, you should have the shit beaten out of you for letting that crap happen.

3. Why was this man left alone with a child (see point #2) when it is obvious he has some major f***ing issues. If I was family to this woman someone would have to surgically remove my foot from her ass from all the shit kicking I'd be doing.

4. Why is this douche bag still breathin. The prosecutor on this case needs the shit kicked out of them too.

I guess what I'm saying is that there was a real lack of shit kicking going on.

This is some f***ed up crap... I can't believe we have to share the same air as this shit bag. If there is any justice in this world he will be repeatedly sodomized in prison then shanked... after a good shit kickin

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