Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sean Penn Needs Mystic River'd

Don't get me wrong... the guy has been in some good movies, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Falcon and the Snowman, Dead Man Walking, Mystic River, Milk, etc... but, jeeeeesh, Sean Penn is a damn menace to society.

See, here's the problem in Hollywood. Where else in the world could a guy walk up to someone, kick 'em, and get charged with vandalism. It seems to me Tinsel Town is going a little out of it's way to protect it's precious commodities.

The way this plays out is, Penn, who has a history of hitting photographers (google Penn hits photographer 1987), went out of his way to kick and threaten to kill a photographer who was photographing the paparazzi (he claims he was doing a documentary on paparazzi). The entire attack was, of course, caught on film.

First of all; I get it. You're famous and your sick as shit in a cup with two girls of having your picture taken all the frickin time. But that's the trade off. You get to be Sean Penn, but you gotta put up with the "hey, it's Sean Penn" crap. I've said it before (, and I'll say it again; you're privacy don't mean squat when you start making millions of dollars on your image.

And, Sean, you're not helping yourself a bit. Every paparazzo out there knows that if they push your buttons just a bit, then they may get the shot of a lifetime, as you fly off the handle and kick some guy in the man bag. While I am one of the biggest proponents of "kicking the shit out of someone," (I mean, let's face it, I think 50% of the worlds problems could be solved with a good ass kickin) you just can't go around kicking guys because they want a picture of your dumb ass.

Another thing... Hollywood, shame on you. I understand that actors and actresses need protected to a point but you can't just slap a guys wrist for acting like a maniac for the second time. I mean, seriously, 50 hours of anger management class is a joke... and giving Sean Penn 300 hours of community service is like throwing the rabbit back in the brier patch. The guy takes vacations to New Orleans after Katrina and Haiti after the earthquake just for fun. Just cause he's Sean Penn... what's worse, they don't want him there... he's a pain in the ass. And you're making him do it. Who's being punished here.

And, what's this vandalism plea... he didn't walk up and spray paint "F*** THE PAPARAZZI" on the guys van... he kicked him. Where on the law books does it say anything about kicking a guy under the vandalism section. Show me that!

So, let's turn the tables on this. Let's say I walked up and kicked a guy and that 20 years ago I was sentenced to jail for a similar thing... what would I get. I can tell you this much... vandalism wouldn't even have been mentioned. WTF.

No, I'd get some guy named Boggs as a bunk mate and would get the privledge of spending the next year and a half trying to prevent "the sisters" from putting things in my mouth. I'd get to enroll in "shank" school and would be asking the guy who can get things to sign me up for a Rita Hayworth Poster Club membership. I'd spend my nights dreaming about Zihuatanejo and what really happened to Brooksy.

But, not Sean Penn. He gets to go on vacation.

However, I digress. My issue with this story really has nothing to do with the above.. let's face it; celebrities live by a different set of rules. It's a fact. So, no, nothing above really gets my goat as much as the following:

While perusing the internets (W's word, not mine... but I like it) for noteworthy articles to be slaphanded I saw the picture (above) of a deranged looking Sean Penn kicking the crap out of some guy and it wasn't that action or the story of what was happening that pulled me in so much as what was in the background of the picture.

What I noticed was some tool riding a bike by this scene like nothing was happening.

Does this kinda shit happen so often in La La Land that some (probably) unemployed hippy freak with a hemp bag on a bike didn't even take the time to stop and notice Sean Penn kicking some paparazzi guys ass. Hollywood is full of freaks, Sean Penn should fit right in. Embrace it bitch!

p.s. You'll always be Spicoli to me!

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