Friday, September 24, 2010

Hot Summer Nights: A Carni Love Story

Hopefully a few of you have heard of the recent story of Richard Lorenc.

Lorenc was given up for adoption at the age of 7 by his father. Lorenc never knew his mother, as his father had taken him away from her shortly after his birth. It wasn't until recently that Lorenc found out that his mother was Vivian Wheeler, a semi-famous bearded lady from a traveling circus... since that moment Lorenc has met his mother and in just a few days will guest star on the Maury Povich Show when a DNA test will reveal the truch of their relationship... the world is on the edge of their seats waiting to hear the results.

But, there is another story that has yet to be told... the story of Vivian Wheeler and her jilted lover.


It was the summer of 1976 and for Richard Chambers life was as good as his life has ever been.

It was a magical time to be an American. The Country’s Bicentennial was just around the corner and soon the United States would be celebrating the 200th anniversary of Declaration of Independence. Radio stations around the country were blasting out hits from ABBA, Starland Vocal Band, and Paul McCartney and Wings. The Omen was scaring teens at every drive-in movie theater in the U.S. and everyone watching T.V. was hoping that they wouldn’t gong the The Unknown Comic. It was a free and easy time… and no one was living freer or easier than Richard Chambers.

Richard Chambers was born in 1956 in the town of Gothenburg, NE to Chuck and Lydia Chambers. Chuck farmed and worked as a part-time tractor repairman and Lydia was a homemaker. When Richard was 2 his family moved to Kearney, NE where his father took a job as a tractor salesman at the local John Deere dealership.

At the age of 5 Richards’s father was killed in a freak New Years Eve accident. Moments after the stroke of midnight the Chambers were in their front yard watching their neighbors shoot fireworks into the air when all of the sudden Chuck fell to the ground… dead. It seems a stray bullet fired from a gun in celebration of the New Year fell back to the earth entering at the crown of Chuck’s skull and exiting at the base of his neck through the spinal cord, killing him instantly. Oddly enough two other people were killed and three others wounded by the same event. A few days later a man was arrested who witnesses claim to have seen fire several drums worth of ammunition from a 1930’s era Tommy Gun while screaming “Happy New Year Mothersuckers… waHOOOOoo.” Drug and alcohol were more than likely a factor in his belligerent behavior.

Lydia was devastated; the happy and pleasant life that Richard had lived up to that moment ceased following the death of his father and would not return for some time. Lydia did the best she could, but having no transferable skills for employment or family of her own to fall back on, the life of relative comfort that she and her son had come to know quickly ended. Within the year Lydia and Richard were living out of the back of their wood sided station wagon traveling from town to town panhandling for food and gas money. It wasn’t long before Lydia turned to drugs to ease her pain, instead of buying Richard food she began to blow her money on refer and cocaine. Her new life style quickly changed her from friendly homemaker and mom to a wasted shell of a woman and sometimes prostitute.

Richards life took another dramatic change shortly after he turned 7. While wacked out on LSD at hotel in Pecos, Texas Lydia Chambers sold her son to a man named Pete Windsong for a “bag of weed and ¾ of a bottle of tequila” who in turn sold him to a gay man named John Pulaski for “services rendered.”

Now when you hear that a 7-year old boy is sold to a gay man, nothing good comes to mind, but in this case it was just the opposite. John Pulaski was no saint by any means, but he had a soft spot for kids and when he heard that his “regular Pecos guy” had “bought” a kid, well he just couldn’t take the thought of this boy being raised, beat, pimped, and abused by the type of man that Pete happened to be, so John traded one month of free services for the boy. While one month of free services sounds like a lot, it really wasn’t, given that John Pulaski fit a sort of fetish where he was typically the giver and not the receiver in the type of relationships that he formed with his clients. And, here’s why; John Pulaski was also known as “Big John” and was 7’-1” tall. Big John specialized in an underground sex fetish known as “Being Jacked by the Giant,” a twisted affair, to say the least, but obviously a nitch that few could fill. For what was sometimes several hundreds of dollars Big John would perform masturbation on his male clients. It wasn’t something he prided himself on, though he was awesome at it, but it was something that kept food on the table and clothes on his back.

Gay Giant Jacking wasn’t Big John’s only occupation and it wasn’t long before he was taking the boy to what he called his “career” job; that as a featured attraction in Thomas and Rathbone’s Big Show Under the Big Top Traveling Circus. Big John also went by “John, The Living Totem Pole, Pulaski, Mass Murderer of the Midwest.” Charles T. Rathbone, owner and proprietor of Thomas and Rathbone’s Big Show Under the Big Top Traveling Circus (Thomas had died two seasons after they started their circus due to a bad case of camel fleas that just about shut down the Big Show’s operations, but that’s a story for another time) hired Big John to be the “tallest man” attraction in his circus, but a lot of traveling circus’ had “tallest man” attractions, some with even taller men then Big John, and Rathbone wanted his “tallest man” to be different.

Long before Big John joined the circus he had tattooed the faces of 4 men onto his chest, one stacked on top of the other, from his neck to his navel. To Big John each face represented a man he had loved, but to Rathbone the resembled a totem pole so he made up a story of how each face was that of a man Big John had murdered.

The crowd ate it up. The Ringmaster would start the show by telling the audience of Big John’s exploits, then the lights would go dim, and Big John would be brought into the center ring in chains for all to see. As the Ringmasted continued with the story they would rip open his shirt revealing the tattooed heads of his victims… at the end of the show Big John would break the chains and run wild in the arena before being recaptured before he killed some fair maiden in the audience. It was masterful.

Before long Richard was just another kid running around the show with the other circus performer’s kids. Often times Big John would take a day or two to visit a client and leave Richard with one of the other performers. Richard quickly learned that, in the circus, everyone is family. And, so he lived, traveling from town to town with a traveling circus, surrounded by all manners of man and woman whom he called family. When he was old enough Richard would became part of several acts and assisted with the set up and tear down of the tents, just like everyone else. He came to love the circus life. His sad sorry existence now had purpose.

At the age of 17 Richard learned that many a small town girl would do just about anything for free tickets to a show or ride on an elephants back late at night. Although he was not an outgoingly handsome man he always managed to find some young thing to spend a few hours with in the hay trailer in almost every town. But all these relationships lacked a certain quality that Richard longed to feel; that of a woman who loved him for what he was… an abandoned child who was raised in a circus.

In 1976, Charles Rathbone wanted to broaden the scope of his circus and added a carnival to go with his show. In each town the visited they would open the carnival Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday and have two circus shows on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. In doing so Rathbone brought in several games, rides, and… freaks of nature; The Worlds Heaviest Man, A Sword Swallower, A Fire Breathing Man, The Mummified Corpse of St. Bartholomew, and of course, The Bearded Lady.

Richard Chambers first noticed the back side of Vivian Wheeler as she was speaking to Mr. Rathbone by his office trailer , noting to a friend, “dammmnnnn that is one nice looking figure!” Vivian was dressed in a long silken skirt and a colorful form fitting tube top. Vivians long black hair flowed from her head down to the top of her bare shoulders and rested there like soft clouds. Richard found her figure very desirabl,e he wondered, in that split second, what her beautiful face would look like. And, almost as if on cue, Vivian turned around and revealed a 10” jet black beard.

Where most kids would turn in horror Richard simply stared with wonderment. All Richard had known most of his life was the odd “family” of the circus and a handful of summer evenings spent in a hay trailer with women of less desirable figures than the bearded woman that stood before him. “Richard,” Rathbone said, “I’d like you to meet Vivian Wheeler, do you think you could show her around.” And, that is how it started.

Richard started by showing her where the performers got themselves ready for the show, then the trailers in which they lived, they spent most of the afternoon strolling around the encampment while Richard introduced his new friend to the other performers and staff of the show. The visited and carried on through most of the night, each exchanging life stories as well as their hopes and dreams. Some would say it was love at first sight.

The other performers in the show could see it too. It was hard to miss; Richard and Vivian were together most of the day and usually all of the night. After only a few weeks they requested a portioned off room in one of the trailers together, like many of the couples that worked in the circus received. In a few months time they were inseparable. And, that is when Richards father figure, Big John, pulled the boy to the side and had a talk with him. “Richard,” he said, “It’s not easy being in love with a circus performer, especially one that is considered a “freak” by many of the people that pay to meet Mrs. Vivian. I know this sounds harsh, but you need to understand what you are getting yourself into. You will be ridiculed for your choices… trust me I know. I once loved a little normal man, his name was Mark. At first Mark and I were inseparable but as time went on Mark began to sort of resent me… he loved me, but he got tired of all the gay giant jokes… and let me tell you, there are plenty.”

“Really,” Richard asked, “there’s lots of gay giant jokes?”


“Seriously… I haven’t heard any,” said Richard.

“Yes seriously,” said Big John.

“Tell me one,” asked Richard.

“Hey Shorty, where do you and your giant boyfriend like to go mountain climbing… the Him-a-lay-a’s.”

“That’s really weak.”

“I know,” said Big John, “but, I think you are missing the point… it will never stop. People will always make fun of you.”

Richard thought about what Big John was saying and thanked him for his advice, but his mind and heart had already made his decision for him. That night Vivian and him would consummate their love inside the trailer of one of the big trucks.
And so it went; their days were spent getting ready for their shows and by night they would love one another inside one of the trucks or trailers of the circus and sleep inside their 6’x8’ partitioned room. For the next few months Richard lived the life he always wanted. He loved his work, he loved his bearded woman, and he loved his life.

When the circus season ended Richard and Vivian took some time off and went to Bakersfield, CA to visit one of Vivian’s childhood friends and ended up renting a small apartment. Much to Richards protest, Vivian shaved off her beard… she simply said, “it’s better this way.” He didn’t get what she meant, but he loved her and respected her decision. In time though he began to miss the beard; he missed the way it felt when they kissed, and he missed running his fingers through it when they laid together. And, even thought it was odd, he missed the way it looked, the way it made her eyes sparkle and the mystery of it all.

After the holidays Vivian quit shaving in preparation for the coming circus season and Richard was once again delighted to see the 5 o’clock shadow on his circus princess. By late winter her beard was already 2 inches long. Richard began to notice the stares from people when they went out about the town and hear the whispers from them as they were passed on the street. But he ignored it for he was in love.

One cool February morning Vivian shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom and vomited. After she threw up Richard helped her clean herself up, he wiped bits of vomit from her beard and asked if she was alright… she assured him she was fine…. until it happened the next 3 mornings. This prompted Vivian to go see a doctor. While waiting in the waiting room Richard encountered his first negative sentiment about Vivian’s beard from another man waiting in the room. The man would not stop staring and smiling at Richard until Richard asked what the man wanted… “Nothing,” the man said, “just wanted to know if the downstairs smile was covered with the same color of hair as the upstairs smile.” Richard left the room in disgust and went outside.

A short while later Vivian came out of the doctor’s office with a smile from ear to ear. “I’m pregnant,” she told Richard. He was overjoyed. They celebrated by buying some baby clothes and having a nice dinner that night.

In two months Vivian was already beginning to show and that is when Mr. Rathbone called and said they were ready to get the circus going again for the season. Richard and Vivian loaded up their belongings and spent 3 days traveling to El Paso, TX where the first show was scheduled to start. Upon arriving and after many celebratory greetings it was back to normal carnie life; setting up shows, performing, tearing down and moving to the next town.

Richard got a new detail for this years show. Given the delicate condition of his lover, Mr. Rathbone asked that Richard stand guard by her tent as she was performing, in case anyone tried to do anything to her. This made Richard very happy as they would be able to work together now and could see each other more. But little did he know this would also be the beginning of their demise.

Richard had never worked in a “freaks” tent, as they were called, but expected many “oohs,” and “ahhs,” even the occasional derogatory statement. Vivian instructed Richard to say nothing to anyone despite what was said to her. As a woman who had been shaving since her 15th birthday there was very little Vivian hadn’t heard and wasn’t able to spin back onto the person making the statement.

At first Richard enjoyed his new assignment. He found it very amusing to hear the retorts of his lover when ever anyone made a spectacle of her bearded face. “Who would kiss THAT,” a man would yell, to which Vivian would reply, “Your wife likes to feel the tickle on her cheek.” The crowd would laugh. Richard would laugh

And, then one day in the middle of the summer outside of Hays, KS it all changed. It was becoming more apparent that Vivian was pregnant when a spectator screamed, “oh my god, who would screw you?” The spectator’s sentiment caught on like a wild fire and before long people were pointing and laughing and making the ugliest comments that Vivian had ever heard… or her lover. “What man would kiss a woman with a beard?” “Is her lover gay or a bigger freak than she is?” “Who on earth would want to have sex with you?”

At first Richard was appalled. However, as his lover requested, he said nothing. But, after hours of torment and after noticing a tear in Vivian’s eyes Richard snapped at a man who had made the comment, “how does he know which lips to put it in… I mean seriously, who would f*** a bearded lady?” Richard punched the man right in the face. The man jumped over the rail and went after Richard both were clawing and punching the other. Vivian was in the middle of it all trying to break the fight up. The tent cleared, and police were called in. The man wanted to file charges, but Rathbone agreed to pay him a few hundred dollars to just walk away. Richard would not be allowed to work with Vivian again. However, unbeknownst to anyone other than Richard a greater damage was done, a simple thought was planted deep in Richards mind after that… who would f*** a bearded lady.

Unfortunately the ridicule did not end there. Attending the show that night was a freshman reporter for the Hays Sentinel. The next morning a story appeared in the paper explaining of the fight and of a “jilted lover’s protection of his bearded lass,” as the young reported eloquently spelled out. Form that moment on, preceding the arrival of Thomas and Rathbone’s Big Show Under the Big Top Traveling Circus, a small story would appear in the local paper of the fight and the two lovers. Of course Rathbone loved it. The story brought more people to the show then ever before. Richard suspected Rathbone even leaked the story prior to their arrival to whatever small town paper was present where they were performing. The town would show up in droves and wait for hours to see the pregnant bearded lady. Vivian soon reveled in her fame and was also being compensated by Mr. Rathbone for the increased attendance. She knew the money would come in handy after the baby was born.

Richard, however, did not take to the situation as Vivian did. He would hear the whispers of the people as they walked around the carnival concerning his lover and her condition. He would also be approached and asked if it was he who impregnated her. No pictures ever accompanied the articles so no one actually knew what the “jilted lover” looked like. But, that didn’t keep them from asking every employee they met. Over time his resentment for the situation grew. Vivian could sense something was wrong. Richard was quieter and showed less desire to spend time with her. Instead of venturing into town after a show with the rest of the carnies Richard would often just want to hang out in his “room.” When they would go to sleep at night a resounding voice would echo in Richards brain, “who would f*** a bearded lady?”

On one of the last few nights that the circus was performing before packing it up for the season Vivian was nearly shoved out of bed as Richard woke up violently screaming, “NOOOOOO!” Vivian quickly grabbed Richard and tried to calm him down but Richard just shoved her away, not wanting to be touched. He stood up at the edge of their room and said “I dreamt our baby was born with a full beard,” and then disappeared out the trailer and into the night. He was gone.

Vivian was devastated. She cried for several days and missed the last few appearances of the season. No one had seen Richard. Big John spent days combing the local towns and motels up and down the interstate searching for his adopted boy, but could not find him anywhere.

At seasons end Vivian got an apartment in a small town in Nebraska where several of the carnies’ stayed in the off season. That November she welcomed a baby boy, Richard Jr. He was perfect… and without beard. A month after returning to her apartment to care for her new born son someone knocked on her door.

It was Richard.

She leapt into his arms. And, at first he returned her embrace but soon pushed her away. He explained that he was not there to rekindle the relationship he once shared with her, but that he was there to be a father to the boy the two of them came together to create. He never had a real father, he explained, and he wanted his son to know that he was going to be there for him.

She was mortified. What about her? What had changed between them? Did he not love her anymore? What? She implored him to explain, and, at first, he refused, but soon told her… “I can not bear the shame of being chastised for sleeping with a bearded woman.” He apologized profusely but explained that he could not change his mind.

At that moment a muffled cry came from the next room.

It was baby Richard.

She walked into the baby’s room and Richard Sr. followed. It was the first time he saw his baby boy. Vivian picked the child up and began to cry herself, she was very distraught. She quickly handed the baby to Richard Sr. and left the room, explaining that , “I need a moment.” She retired to her room where she buried her face in the pillow on her bed sobbing uncontrollably. She cried herself to sleep.

The next morning she awoke to nothing but silence, which she thought strange, because she usually was up and down with the baby several times a night. She picked herself up out of bed, slipped on a robe, and walked into the baby’s room. Richard Jr. was not there. In the crib where he usually slept was a note that simply said, Sorry.

In a panic she fled from her apartment and went down the hall to one of her fellow carnies rooms and pounded on the door. She explained what happened and then collapsed to the floor in a crying fit. Her friend called several other carnie family members and searched the town. Big John was called in to help as well, but no one could find Richard Sr. or Richard Jr.

Vivian searched for years for her lost son. She spent many of those years depressed and in treatment. She would never see Richard Sr. again. As for Richard Jr…. well, we’ll leave that for the Maury Povich Show.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lindsey = Amazing

Lindsey Lohan continues to amaze the sh!t out of me. This C U Next Tuesday has failed a recent drug test and is looking at jail time again (yeah right).

As you'll see in one of my previous post ( I was worried that a 90 day jail stint and a 90 rehab stint might just clean this menace to society up... but I should have known that Lindsey would only serve about 37 days total in jail and rehab. I should have known that no one in L.A. would have the balls to put a celebrity in jail for reals. Now I'm no expert but I don't think 37 days is enough for someone who has REPEATEDLY failed at reform. REPEATEDLY shown that they can't get their sh!t together. And, REPEATEDLY shown a total lack of respect for the judicial system. And, it looks like I am right since her dumb a$$ is back in trouble.

Let's run through a Lohan time line.

February 2, 2005: A personal-injury suit is filed against Lohan by Eddie Pamilton and Ilex Harris, who claim the actress injured them in a traffic accident that took place the year before.

October 4, 2005: Lohan is transported to a hospital for minor injuries after she crashes her car into another vehicle in West Hollywood, California. The then-19-year-old actress collided into the passenger's side of a van that was turning in front of her, which then collided with a parked van. A passenger in Lohan's car and the driver of the van suffered moderate injuries and were transported by ambulance to an undisclosed hospital.

January 2006: Vanity Fair reports that Lohan admitted she had bulimia during an interview, but Lohan denies that she has an eating disorder. The article quotes Lohan as saying, "I was sick. Everyone was scared. And I was scared too. I had people sit me down and say, 'You're going to die if you don't take care of yourself.' "

January 2007: Lohan checks into rehab for the first time. "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health," the singer says in a statement. "I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time." In December, Lohan's publicist revealed that Lohan had been voluntarily attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

May 26, 2007: Lohan gets arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence after her Mercedes convertible strikes a curb in Los Angeles. Police reported that they found a substance they believe to be cocaine at the scene.

May 28, 2007: Lohan checks into rehab again. "Lindsay admitted herself to an intensive medical rehabilitation facility on Memorial Day," a representative for the singer/actress says in a statement. "Because this is a medical matter, it is our hope that the press will appreciate the seriousness of the situation and respect the privacy of Lindsay as well as the other patients receiving treatment at the facility."

June 14, 2007: Lohan is accused of being drunk when she crashed into a parked van in Beverly Hills in October 2005, according to a lawsuit. Raymundo Ortega claims Lohan — who was 19 years old at the time — "consumed alcohol and became intoxicated" at the Ivy restaurant before the accident.

July, 14, 2007: Lohan checks out of Promises rehab facility after more than six weeks and celebrates the end of her 45-day stay by soberly partying with some friends at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas.

July 24, 2007: Less than two weeks after leaving a rehabilitation facility, Lohan is pulled over by police early in the morning and arrested on five counts, including driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and possession of narcotics. Lohan checks into an undisclosed rehab facility hours after the arrest.

August 14, 2007: Lohan gets sued again, this time for assault and negligence by one of the passengers who was traveling in the car the actress allegedly chased the month prior while driving under the influence.

August 23, 2007: Lohan gets charged with seven misdemeanor counts for her two DUI arrests earlier that year. She reaches a plea deal, saying she would spend one day in jail, serve 10 days of community service and complete a drug-treatment program. Lohan is placed on 36 months' probation and required to complete an 18-month alcohol-education program and pay hundreds of dollars in fines. She also is to finish a three-day county coroner program that required her to visit a morgue and talk to victims of drunken drivers. "It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs," Lohan writes in a statement released to MTV News.

October 5, 2007: Lohan leaves a two-month rehab stint at the Cirque Lodge Treatment Center in Utah. She is also seen with her estranged father, Michael, who was carrying her suitcases.

December 31, 2007: In a video posted on TMZ, Lohan drinks straight from a bottle of champagne while partying in Italy.

October 16, 2009: Lohan shows up more than an hour late to a probation hearing in Beverly Hills for a progress review on her two DUI cases. She gets another year of probation tacked on due to failure to complete alcohol-education classes as required.

April 26, 2010: Lohan is asked to leave the film "The Other Side." The director says Lohan was fired because she is not "bankable."

June 8, 2010: A Beverly Hills judge issues an arrest warrant for Lohan and orders her to post $200,000 bail after she violates a court order to not consume alcohol while wearing a SCRAM alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet. The warrant is recalled after bail is posted.

July 6, 2010: Lohan is sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab for violating her probation.

September 13, 2010: Lohan sodomizes a cub scout troop with the handle of cast iron frying pan. She is sentenced to 45 days in jail but will only serve 2 in which she will mostly be in processing and won't actually have to be "in jail."

Ok, so I made that last one up, but would it surprise you. All of the above and none of that even mentions the fact that she wrote "f*** you" on her fingernail while in court, was told not to leave the state of California but was photographed at a New York night club this week, and that she is generally just one stupid b!tc#.


5 or 6 = Number of failed rehab stints
2 = Number of DUI's
4 = Number of alcohol induced car accidents
3= Number of times Lindsey has either not shown up or shown up late to court
15 = Total days spent in Jail (two different stints)
12 = Number of feature films Lohan has appeared in
1 = Number of feature films I would actually pay to see again featuring Lohan (Machete)
too many to count = Number of times I have been amazed that Lohan is a free woman and not dead.

With her latest infraction; the failure of a recent drug test, she has been ordered back to court to face charges. The judge previously said that any failure to comply would result in a 30-day jail sentence, but we'll see if they actually have the cajones to put Lindsey away.

To top all of this off this stupid whore is getting paid... e*Trade has settled out of court with Lindsey for using her likeness in one of their commercials. I can't f***ing believe this f***-up's luck. I previously did a blog on that too, if you want to read it and see the commercial.

There is NO effin way e*Trade should have paid out. I mean... WTF. WTFnF!

But, I digress. Even though I wish this red headed spawn of Satan would just die a horrible death someone has to see; be it the courts, her friends, lawyers, etc... SOMEONE... has to see that this girl needs help. And, if she walks away with just another slap on the hand (no pun intended) then perhaps everyone; be it the courts, her friends, lawyers, etc... EVERYONE... wants the same thing I do. For her to just die. And, that is a message I hope she gets, that no one cares enough for her to want to help her.

Monday, September 13, 2010

VMA Blandness

First let me say, that I find it odd that MTV still has Video Music Awards... after all, they rarely play videos anymore. The only time I can find a video on MTV is at six in the morning. And, I figure that's because none of them slacker MTV employees want to show up that early to start running their lame ass shows. (and don't give me the lame ass MTV2 excuse. They don't play much more music over there.)

Seriously, I looked it up, the only time MTV shows videos is from 3am to 8am. The rest if Teen Mom's, True Life, Jersey Shore, Real World and some crap show they are cramming down our throats called the World of Jenks. I mean, shouldn't they HAVE to change their name to something other than MUSIC T.V. What do pregnant teens and Jersey dropouts have to do with music?

Anyway, I digress... Lady Gaga wore a meat dress. WTF, I've never wished for a singer to develop a serious coke habit, lose her ability to hold a note, and drop off the face of the music world as much as I have for Gaga. And, it has nothing to do with her music, it's just her. Her music is pretty good, but, I'm sick of looking at those stupid ass hats and dresses that weigh so much you have to have people help you get up and down. Congratulations, you've succeeded, everyone is talking about you, and they think you are a f***ing freak.

Other than Gaga's steak mini, there really wasn't much controversy during the evening. Host and notorious naughty girl, Chelsea Handler, was rather tame contrary to expectations. Her funniest moment was when she stepped out of a hot tub that the Jersey Shore group was in with a faux pregnant belly claiming that there must be something in the water, to which the Situation responded, "oh, we got a situation here." Her opening act with Lindsey Lohan should have killed given Chelsea's abuse of the pre-teen burnout, but then you have to remember that Lindsey is an even worse actress now than before she went through her 39 day jail and rehab stint (if that's possible) and she shares the comedic aptitude of a child pornographer.

Other notes of the evening:

Neither Kayne nor Taylor Swift have forgot that he upstaged her at last years event, both have written songs, and both think Kayne is a dick. Both are right.

No one has forgotten too, that Katy Perry met her future bride-to-be, Russel Brand, at last years event. Throughout the evening several references were made to this point. That's a relationship I don't see working out... eventually Russel's antics and British accent are gonna get on Katy's nerves and it's bye-bye Brand. We'll see I guess. I like that fact that someone over at MTV is smart enough to insist that Perry wear something form fitting... anytime you can get that "California Girl" in something tight, low cut, and/or reminiscent of an ice skaters outfit ratings will improve.

And, on that note... Ke$ha is a troll.

As for the musical numbers of the evening. Eminem was pretty good, but I think it's safe to say he has veered a little over into the mainstream zone. His performance was pretty safe for a Slim Shady number. Justin Bieber lip synced his way through a dance number that my 13-year old will love for reasons that baffle me. Usher, Taylor, Kayne, B.o.B., among others turned in "eh" performances. Next year might I recommend Katy Perry shooting whipped cream from her breast all over a gaggle of scantily clad women that include Ciara, Sofia Vergara, the chicks from the Hills, and Jane Lynce (for the laugh factor) or a Ke$ha stoning, whichever is easier to arrange. Note: I have rocks if you need them.

It should be noted that during the Bieber's performance he went bad boy black, throwing down his high school musical jacket and, donning a black letterman with a single "B" on it. I take this as a sign he wants to impregnate all our pre-teens. He should be banned from any event with children and be made to follow sexual predator laws. How this banged wonder has managed to cause little girls everywhere to soil their panties is beyond me, but power to him.

My favorite performance of the evening was the commercial for the upcoming Jackass 3D movie... which says a lot when the highlight of the evening is watching guys mutilate their balls and pull cruel and abusive pranks on one another. However, this is what the VMA's have come to; a mix of sub-par musical performances and worn out reality jokes... much like the rest of MTV's programming.

One last note: MTV - quit programming your VMA's during week 1 of the NFL... you are losing that fight everytime, i.e. I watched you on Tivo.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Trailer Park Dinner Party

Read this...

Did you catch all that.

Yep, it's dinner time at the trailer park. Let me give you a visual. Picture three people...

The Victim: He's a 39-year old burn out. Currently employed as a night janitor and fry cook at the local truck stop. He is the only one of the three dwellers of the home in the 900 block of S. Newton who actually works for a living. Because of his occupation the victim always smells like diesel fuel and the fried food that is sold at the truck stop.

The victim can not afford a house on his own as his 2nd ex-wife has a very tenacious lawyer that always seems to track him down and commands what little money he has for his alimony and child support payments (the kid is his, but he refuses to have a relationship with her).

He is currently providing sexual favors for the 70 year old mother of the suspect (did you catch that part in the article) for being allowed to live with a roof over his head. About once a week he pretty much has to do the deed. And, by "deed" I mean he has to bump ugly with his denture wearing diva. When the deed is done there is a foul smell about the trailer for approximately three days that reeks of stale fish, gasoline, and oddly enough, apple pie.

The victim also secretly is sneaking around on his 70 year old sugar momma with the girl he dated after he divorced his 3rd wife. She's a crack addict and uses him for food and money. They meet up regularly in the back of the truck stop or in her early 80's model Oldsmobile for what he calls his "hot momma hookup." He gives her leftover fried food from the truck stop and money, from time to time, for her kid (which is not his but he thinks it might be). The food and money are the only reason she still comes around. She spends the money he gives her on smack and gasoline for the car. She uses the car to turn tricks in when she is really desperate for some cash, which, lately, has been a lot. She has 2 venereal diseases that she is aware of.

The victim only showers every 3rd day as he finds that his stench acts as a good repellent to the sexual desires of his ancient lover. But her sense of smell is starting to go due to her 2 pack a day smoking habit and he is desperately searching for some other deterrent.

Due to his job his long un-groomed hair always looks greasy. His co-workers call him Two-Bit, which he thinks is a compliment. They are actually calling him that because of his greasy hair and Two-Bit was a Greaser in the movie The Outsiders. He knows this, he just doesn't care because The Outsiders is his favorite movie and he likes the idea that his nickname comes from one of the characters.

He goes through life always wondering what he did wrong to deserve such a fate, when everyone that knows him expected that this is exactly the way his life would turn out.

Our victim is a drunk.

The Suspect: The 51-year old son of the victim's lover is the actual owner of the trailer in the 900 block of S. Newton where all three of our citizens reside.

The suspect is a forklift operator at a nearby lumber yard where has been employed for the last 23 years but has not been to work in 8 months. He is currently collecting a disability check for a strained back that stopped hurting 6 months ago. He is trying to figure out how to milk that check for the next 4 months which is the maximum allowed disability he can collect. He has been on some form of disability or workers comp for the past 3 years and has actually only worked 73 days in that time. He is already planning for his next injury and is trying to work up the courage to run his torso over with the forklift he operates which would surely keep him out for the remainder of his working life and give him a decent payout for permanent disability.

The suspect has never been married as most women find his 320+ pounds on his 5' 9" frame rather revolting. And, for what he lacks in physical prowess he makes up for with a generally disgruntled attitude. He despises the world and everyone in it. He hates you.

When the suspect is not arguing with his aging mother he is surfing for porn on the Internet in his bedroom. He is into kid porn. If the police were to happen to look under his bed he would be doing serious time for child pornography and not just assault. He whacks his bag at least 8 time a day. He hasn't had actual sex since he was in his late 20's but blames that not on his physical appearance nor his lack of anything that would remotely resemble charm, but on that fact that all women are b!tches.

He argues with his mom almost as much as he whacks his bag, but she, for some reason, has a death grip on his balls that prevents him from actually ever doing anything that he threatens to do which is pretty much the only thing preventing him from holding a pillow over her head when she's asleep, burning her body, and burying the ashes in the back yard.

Our suspect has the mental capacity of 13-year old.

The Mother: 70-years old and looks like a leather bag. She has a nasty hacking non-ending cough due to her cigarette habit. She probably has emphysema but would never know it because she refuses to go the doctor.

She met her live in lover while purchasing smokes at the local truck stop... which she frequented often. On one trip there she noticed a rather un-kept truck stop employee sneaking a peek at her rather large bosom (her only redeeming feature when she was young). He was gazing at her wrinkly cleavage when she introduced herself. She invited the man over for a drink after work and being a drunk he accepted. Her lover has been residing with her and her son for the last 2 1/2 years.

She plays bingo every Tuesday night and on those evenings has been known to go through 3 packs of her beloved Virginia Slims (Menthol) in one 3 hour sitting. She is also a gin drinker.

The father of her son was a man she met in a bar in 1958... she was 18 and despite her unflattering facial features she attracted the attention of many men because of her mis-proportionately large bust; she fell in love with him immediately. After a month she discovered she was pregnant. For 2 years she lived with him, never marrying, but she told every new person they met that they were married. After work one evening at the choke and puke off the highway she found her baby's daddy on their living room floor; buck naked and bleeding from the temple... he'd been beaten with bowling trophy by a woman he was sleeping with in their bed and never regained consciousness. He died three weeks later. The woman that was arrested for the murder claims to have been sleeping with him on and off for "4 lousy years."

To deal with the trauma the doctor administered her sleeping pills and downers that she became addicted to. For the next 30+ years she was hooked on some drug or another about as often as she was hooked up with some strange man. Her son called 11 different men "dad" between the ages of 3 and 18. She had two other children with two different men during this time, one she gave up for adoption and the other she raised until she ran away at the age of 14. She was visited by social services 6 times during this period of her life for suspected abuse and unsanitary living conditions. She has never been contacted by her other children.

At the age of 58 she kicked her drug habit for good but her cigarette "here and there" went to two packs a day and the gin drinking tripled. Smoked and sauced she lives on welfare and social security and off of her deadbeat son whom she commands like a whipped puppy.

Our mother is a bitter old hag with big saggy boobs and access to alcohol.

The Party: The daily lives of these three are as horrid as you can imagine. Not a week goes by without a fist fight between the victim and the suspect. The victim always threatens to leave, the woman consoles him with alcohol and rotty crotch sex, and then threatens the son to not "stir up the pot" or his little porn collection will disappear along with his computer. It's a vicious circle of dependency much like that of a crack whore and her abusive pimp.

This one fateful evening however will change their lives forever. This evening their constant bickering and backstabbing and cootch cuddling crossed over into the next level.

After a particularly stressful day of surfing porn with his slow ass dial up connection and dealing with a nasty computer virus that destroyed some of his most prized pics of 13-year old Taiwanese twin girls, the suspect was in a delicate temporal mood.

Our Victim's mood was also on the verge of irresponsible anger. He was regretfully preparing for his evening of cleaning up after truckers and deep fat frying chimichangas and corn dogs. His sullen attitude caused him to hit the booze particularly early this evening to erase the memory of a little "afternoon delight" with his decrepit lover.

The house was fresh with the smell of gas covered fish-apple pie.

Those two moods, plus a serving of some of the worst fried chicken ever prepared by the lover/mother of these soon to be brawlers, cultivated into the perfect storm of trailerhood life. It started when the victim tried to play father to his lovers son after he refused to finish his dinner in the living room (because that's where you eat in a trailer). When confronted about finishing said meal our suspect had all he could take from his 12-year younger flunky of a father figure and stabbed our victim in the abdomen several times. And the fight ensued until the adrenalin that was built up in both of them was depleted... about 27 seconds.

The trailer was a-rockin but not because he was a-knocking on his sexy 70-year olds sweet, yet dusty, vagina... it was because a 51-year old loser who'd been abused most of his life by his bosomy mother was puncturing the abdomen of her alcoholic, foul smelling lover.

The suspect fled into the night...

Our victim left lying on the floor...

A mother left to wash the dishes...

And, a Kansas City Star reporter would come calling in the night.

The rest is mobile home history.

In the trailer park we call this a Thursday.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Things I Learned This Week: A Moanzie Special

White Trash Alert: A Three Forks, MT man was arrested this week after beating up his pregnant sister at her wedding with a monkey wrench… I know there is a lot there to take in there… take your time.

David James Sicotte showed up uninvited to his sisters wedding and reportedly pushed his sister’s new mother-in-law to the ground then went after his sister caveman style with a monkey wrench. The sisted slapped Sicotte, so he hit her in the face with the wrench, cutting her mouth open.

Apparently Sicotte was drunk; which is pretty much a prerequisite for showing up uninvited to your pregnant sisters wedding.

The cops arrested Sicotte as he was leaving the building with wrench in hand. He was reportedly upset he was not able to make the reception.

1 of 2 things has happened here:

Sicotte was very upset that his sister had got herself pregnant and was being forced to marry a man she didn’t want to marry, so he took matters into his own hand and attempted to save her from an unwanted life.

- or –

Sicotte, got liquored up because he was pissed his sister didn’t want to invite his white trash ass to her wedding because she knew he’d make a big scene, so he decided to teach her a thing or two about who she should and shouldn’t invite.

I’m going with #2.

Chimney Sweeper Wanted: A Bakersfield, CA woman was found dead and decomposing inside the chimney of her once boyfriend’s house.

It took five hours for firefighters to dismantle enough of the chimney to remove the body of Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac. She apparently tried to force her way into the home by sliding down the chimney of her on again/off again boyfriend. The boyfriend had left the home earlier to “avoid a confrontation.” It wasn’t until a house sitter went into the home to water the plants that the good doctors body could be smelt rotting in the chimney and pools of “liquid” were noticed in the fireplace.

The woman was dressed in a red felt suit trimmed out in with white fur and had on a like hat with a furry ball on the end… ok, I made that part up, but wouldn’t that have taken this story right over the top.

I can honestly say that I have never had that type of effect on a woman; where she either loves me so effin much that she will do anything to see and or be with me which apparently includes climbing on my roof and trying to shimmy her ass down my chimney just to see if I am home, or where she is bat shit crazy enough to climb on my roof and then shimmy her ass down my chimney to try to kill me.

I apparently am not desirable enough to drive a woman to such extremes or my wife if just not insane… I’m not sure which it is.

What is that, A Bic brand 7-iron?: A California golfer this week started a 12-acre fire after his golf club struck a rock that sparked the grass in the dry rough.

The man, whose name has been withheld, stated that he had hit his ball into the rough and on his second shot at Shady Canyon Golf Course in Irvine, CA his club ignited a fire that he was apparently just to damn drunk to put out… Ok, it didn’t say he was drunk, but come on… he seriously couldn’t put out a fire that he started with a golf club. This all smells pretty fishy.

Let me tell you what really happened. Joe Slice, as we’ll call him, while smoking a cigar and drinking his 5th Arnold Palmer of the morning tripped over a rock while looking for his ball that he sliced way the f*** out-a-bounds. When Joe tripped he dropped his cigar in the dry grass, however he amazingly managed to save his drink. Joe popped back up out of the grass declaring "I saved the drink," to the incessant razzing of his friends who were equally inebriated. “Nice recovery Joe, don’t suppose you saw your ball on that trip,” hahahahah. At that moment the grass ignited. Instead of pouring his drink onto the fire Joe started dancing around screaming, “Look, I am so f***ing hot… I’m on fire… my golf game is on fire b!tc#es.”

I know this because that is what we drunks do.

Note to self: Bring fire extinguisher on next golf outing.